KETTLER Outdoor Trampoline JUMP 244

Stable ✓ Weatherproof ✓ UV-resistant ✓ Including edge cover ✓

Item number: 1501

€ 251.26 *
Content 1 piece
* Excl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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The KETTLER ‘JUMP’ trampoline guarantees jumping fun! The weatherproof trampoline is perfect for regular use and is characterised by its high stability. A KETTLER trampoline for outdoor use will delight adults and children alike and can be used all year round!

The outdoor trampoline has a safety net with a height of 180 cm and a frame made of galvanised tubular steel. The trampoline's jumping mat is made of UV-resistant polypropylene. The trampoline is also equipped with a 1.4 cm thick polyethylene protective edge. It also has a ladder with 2 steps made of galvanised steel tube. With the KETTLER outdoor trampoline JUMP, you can have fun while exercising. Whether young or old - a jump into the air can always be very liberating. Order quickly now and it will be with you in one jump!


  • Outdoor trampoline suitable for children - jumping fun for young and old
  • Suitable for jumping fitness thanks to robust frame
  • Durable spring trampoline
  • UV-resistant jumping mats for long-term attractive appearance
  • Including edge cover, ladder and pole cover
  • High net as fall protection
  • Opening marked in yellow

    Technical data

    • Frame height 55 cm from the ground, with practical ladder
    • Safety net height: 180 cm
    • Diameter: 244 cm
    • Total height: 235 cm
    • Weight: 37kg
    • Load capacity: 100 kg
    • Delivery in 2 packages

    ATTENTION: For domestic use only

    CAUTION: Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts.

    ATTENTION: Maximum 100kg for item no. KT010244 and 150kg for item no. KT010305 and KT010365 ATTENTION: For outdoor use only.

    ATTENTION: The trampoline must be assembled by an adult in accordance with the assembly instructions and then checked before first use. CAUTION: One user only. Risk of collision

    CAUTION: Always close the net opening before jumping.

    CAUTION: Do not jump with shoes on. CAUTION: Empty your pockets and hands before jumping.

    CAUTION: Always jump in the centre of the jumping mat.

    CAUTION: Do not eat while jumping.

    CAUTION: Do not leave the trampoline in one jump.

    CAUTION: Limit uninterrupted use (take regular breaks). CAUTION: In strong wind conditions, secure the trampoline and do not use it.

     CAUTION: Self-locking nuts are only to be used for one-time assembly.

    CAUTION: No somersaults or somersaults.

    ATTENTION: The net should be replaced annually.

    ATTENTION: Read the instructions for use.



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