Folding wagon KETTLER COMPACT tray

Perfect fit for KETTLER Compact ✓ Easy to assemble ✓ Ideal for snacks and drinks ✓ Robust and durable ✓ High-quality materials ✓ Direct replacement for lost or damaged trays ✓

Item number: 1291

€ 41.93 *
Content 1 piece
* Excl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 5 -7 days within Germany

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Product details and advantages of the KETTLER Compact folding handcart tray

The KETTLER Compact folding handcart tray is an indispensable accessory for your KETTLER handcart. With its clever design and practical functions, it offers you additional comfort and functionality when travelling.

This tray is intended as a supplement, as it differs from the tray supplied with the handcart.

The tray has two openings for drinking bottles, whereas the original tray of the handcart has a recess that also prevents snack boxes from slipping when moving. The drinking bottles are securely fastened with elasticated straps on the sides.

Main features

  • Perfect fit: Specially developed for the KETTLER Compact handcart, the tray fits seamlessly and provides a stable storage surface.
  • Easy to fit: The tray can be attached to the edge of your handcart on both sides and is quick and easy to attach and remove.
  • Drink holder: With two openings for drinking bottles, the tray ensures that your drinks are secure and upright, preventing spillages.
  • Robust and durable: Made from high-quality materials, the tray is particularly stable and resistant, ideal for regular use.
  • Easy to clean: The wipe-clean surface makes cleaning quick and easy, perfect for use with food and drinks
  • Versatile use: In addition to its function as a drinks holder, the tray offers space for snacks, books or other small items that you want to have to hand when travelling.


  • Practical for on the go: Whether you're on a picnic, camping trip or excursion, the tray increases your comfort and organisation.
  • More organisation: Keep your drinks safe and tidy
  • Increased safety: The secure holders for drinking bottles prevent liquids from spilling, which is particularly beneficial when travelling on uneven terrain.
  • Easy care: Thanks to the wipe-clean surface, the tray always remains hygienic and clean, which is particularly important when using food.

Why the KETTLER Compact tray?

The KETTLER Compact folding stroller tray is more than just an accessory - it's a practical extension that adds convenience and functionality to your outdoor experiences. It's perfect for families, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone who wants to get the most out of their handcart.

Expand your possibilities and enjoy the additional benefits this tray offers. Perfectly designed and easy to use, it is the ideal addition to your KETTLER Compact handcart.

If the tray of the handcart you are already using needs to be cleaned, you will quickly have a replacement ready.

  • for snack on the go
  • wipeable
  • quick assembly and also quickly removable
  • space for 2 drinking bottles-without tipping over

CAUTION: Use under the direct supervision of adults.

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