Tray & cup holder FREE ✓ Foldable with roof ✓ Manoeuvrable & easy to move ✓ Robust ✓ 70kg load capacity ✓ Space-saving for hallway & car ✓ Up to 2 children ✓

Item number: 1273

€ 419.33 *
Content 1 piece
* Excl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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Our KETTLER COMPACT folding handcart is the perfect companion for leisure time!

The handcart offers space for 2 children. Both seat units are equipped with height-adjustable and 5-point harnesses. Particularly noteworthy is that all belts are provided with a softer padding. So the safety for the child is particularly comfortable ;)

The foot area sits slightly lower, so that the children can put their legs bent. The floor of the KETTLER folding boller stroller can be easily converted into a straight lying surface, for example for a little nap in the stroller. Thus, the rollertruck is also suitable for newborns. Multifunctional use ;) Baby carriage and stroller in one product!

The seat units can be removed according to their own needs and can be reinstalled at any time. Quite simply with one click. The covers of the Bollerwagen can be easily removed and washed.

The KETTLER Bollerwagen adapts to the levels in town and country. With its width of about 60cm is rather a narrow and maneuverable wonder. Perfect mobility - Whether in the subway, elevator or other tight places!   

The sun canopy provides UV 50+ protection from sun exposure and can be removed at any time with simple steps, and the rain cover protects the kids and groceries in the stroller from getting wet during walks in the rain. 

With front wheels that can be set to lock as well as swivel, the stroller is great as a maneuverable companion for around town and on uneven trails! The EVA tires with integrated air chambers are indestructible and provide a pleasant driving experience. Full flexibility on any surface! The tires are designed by their integrated spokes to withstand a high load capacity. 

Our handcart KETTLER COMPACT can be folded and stowed away in a few easy steps. The wheels can be quickly removed, so the handcart is particularly space-saving. The frame of the handcart is very light and stable and with a carrying weight of 70 kg can withstand a high load. The handcart can also be set up on edge by the fold-out stand and has an anti-tilt function. Thus super space-saving to store!

The comfort of the parents is also not neglected: The push handle can be adjusted 5-fold in height and optimally adapts to any size.

To each KETTER Bollerwagen there is also a rain cover FREE of charge! 

  • Parking brake at the rear - on both sides
  • EVA tires, air-chamber filled, indestructible and yet soft driving feel
  • Swivel and lockable front wheels, for different surfaces
  • Front wheels equipped with additional suspension
  • Wheels: Equipped with 12(!!!) spokes, this offers especially high load capacity, other hand trucks have only 5 or 6
  • Height adjustable push handle (5 different sizes from 91 cm - 110 cm)
  • Incl. sun canopy and rain cover
  • Incl. shopping basket
  • All covers are removable, washable and waterproof - Also OEKO-Tex Standard Certified
  • Very easy folding mechanism - With one handle the stroller is folded up
  • Opening in the foot area to remove dirt
  • Transport lock for convenient stowage in the car 
  • Safety loop on the handle: prevents "rolling away" on a slope if you can't react fast enough to apply the brake
  • Adjustable footrest
  • Robust frame: high driving comfort and stability!
  • Seats: easily removable, for 1 or 2 children
  • Seats: Equipped with 5-point harnesses, including belt pads
  • Years of companionship: as a baby (straight lying surface->with a lying surface of 85cm and 45cm width, it tops EVERY stroller!), as a toddler: 1 seat with plenty of space, as a sibling->so you save stroller, buggy and sibling stroller
  • the frame can be put upright and space-saving by handle
  • Seat area:foot area can be extended so that children can sit with bent legs, foot area can be opened separately to clean the area from crumbs and dirt
  • Wheels: Removable with a handle, so the stroller is folded even smaller

  • Dimensions (length x width x height): 107 x 65 x111 cm
  • Weight: 14,1 kg
  • Folding dimensions (with wheels): 107 x 64 x 46 cm
  • Folding size (without wheels) : 100 x 54 x 32 cm
  • Max. Weight of the child per seat 22 kg
  • Reclining surface : 85x45 cmTotal width : approx. 60cm
  • Total load capacity 70 kg
  • Height of backrest : 47,5 cmTotal length of foot extension : 13,5 cm

Age recommendation:
- 0-8 months: with lying surface
- from approx. 8 months (the child must be able to sit independently) to approx. 5 years: with seat

IMPORTANT: This product is not suitable for skating or jogging.

IMPORTANT: This product is not suitable for children under 6 months.

IMPORTANT: Before use, check that all fastening devices are correctly engaged.


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