KETTLER Economy package cover + premium: table tennis bat Premium + cover hood

Protection for the table tennis table ✓ High-quality, robust material ✓ Premium bat reduces vibrations ✓

Item number: 1346

RRP €95.80
€ 87.40 *
Content 1 piece
* Excl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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Save €20 and get the following items with the KETTLER savings package cover + premium:

1x cover in grey or black
1 x table tennis bat Premium

With our savings package you get the cover and our table tennis bat Premium for a unique savings price!

Our KETTLER cover is made of high-quality synthetic fabric and protects your table tennis table from wind, rain and sun. But also in the indoor area it offers good protection against dust and moisture.

The special feature of our premium table tennis bat are two additional layers in the handle of the bat, which cushions the impact of the ball and thus provides even better ball control.

  • Cover provides protection against dust and dirt, moisture, cold and heat
  • For outdoor and indoor use
  • Premium table tennis bat for the demanding player
  • Better ball control and cushioning due to additional layer in the handle


  • Dimensions: 150 x 160 x 80/25
  • Fits of course for all KETTLER table tennis tables, but also for models of other manufacturers, which have the same dimensions
  • 100% polyester
  • Weatherproof
  • UV-resistant
  • Opening and closing with side zipper


  • 5 layers of veneer
  • 1,8mm sponge thickness
  • Concave handle shape
  • Spin 50/ Speed 60 / Control 70

Caution: The product contains small parts that can be swallowed, use under the direct supervision of adults.

Caution: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

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